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    Together, we complete a Client Requirements Document to map out your current processes and systems to ensure we implement Supply Wizards online ordering platform seamlessly.

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    We establish a weekly onboarding call to lead you through a step-by-step process. After deciding which customers will be invited to online ordering and determining the master product list, we build out your online ordering platform for you.

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    Before launch, we review custom products and pricing to ensure that each customer is set up correctly. We test any integrations, and we train your team on managing incoming orders.

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    Once you give the green light to launch, we (or you) send out invitations to your customers inviting them to log in and begin ordering online. We continue our onboarding call to ensure successful implementation, and we provide ongoing technical support to you and your customers.

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    We manage inbound tech support calls and train your team on any new site updates. We are a phone call away for any questions or assistance.

Find out more
about us

Learn more about how your business can succeed with the supply wizards online
ordering platform.

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